Hazard Class 2.2 UN-No UN1950 Description UN1950 Aerosols,2.2, ICAO UN-No UN1950 Proper Shipping Name Aerosols Hazard Class 2.1 Subsidiary Class 6.1 Description Aerosols,UN1950 IATA UN-No UN1950 Proper Shipping Name Aerosols, flammable, toxic, containing substances in Division 6.1, Packing Group III Hazard Class 2.1 Subsidiary Class 6.1


2.2 Märkningsuppgifter. Etikett Enligt (EG) Nr. 1272/2008 14.1 UN-nummer. UN-nr. Class 2. ADR Etikett Nr. 2.2. IMDG Klass. 2.2. ICAO Klass/Riskgrupp. 2.2.

Economical Removable adhesive coated placards can be removed at destination with little or no adhesive, or can be left in place for longer term use. 1.1 Part 3;4.1.2 only allows aerosols (UN 1950) of Division 2.1 and 2.2 without subsidiary risk to be transported under the provisions for limited quantities. However Table 3-1 allows the transport of following items under the provisions for limited quantities: Name UN No. Class or divi- … Division 2.2: Non-flammable, non-toxic gases; Division 2.3: Toxic gases; Class 2 Dangerous Goods Examples & Labels. Commonly transported class 2 dangerous goods include oxygen, natural gas, carbon dioxide, lighters, and aerosols. Class 2 Dangerous Goods Label. The picture below shows hazard symbols for Class 2 dangerous goods. 2.2 un 1950 adr transport datasheet, cross reference, circuit and application notes in pdf format.

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14.2. UN proper shipping name: 2. 14.3. Transport hazard class(es):.

2.2 Märkningsuppgifter. · Märkning 14.1 UN-nummer.

UN1950, AEROSOLS, 2.2. MEX. UN-No. Proper Shipping Name. Hazard Class. Description. UN 1950. AEROSOLS. 2.2. UN1950 AEROSOLS, 2.2. ICAO.

2 Gaser. (Fortsättning på sida 7).

Un 1950 class 2.2

2.2 Märkningsuppgifter. · Märkning enligt Etikett. 2.1. · IMDG, IATA d c`gw. · Class. 2.1. · Label. 2.1. (Fortsättning på sida 8). S UN 1950 AEROSOLER, 2.1.

Un 1950 class 2.2

Land Transport (ADR/RID):. •. UN1950; Class 2.2.

Un 1950 class 2.2

Utgår UN 1950 AEROSOLER, 2.1. S. 2.2.
Kurs engelska 6

Un 1950 class 2.2

Gases which at 20°C and a standard pressure of Mixed loading prohibited with UN Nos bearing labels: class 1 (except 1.4S) and 4.1+1 (UN3221,3222, 3231, 3232) and 5.2+1 (UN3101, 3102, 3111, 3112) The CEFIC Emergency Response Intervention Cards (ERICards) Don't take chances when shipping flammable gas.

NON-FLAMMABLE GAS. Aerosols, non-flammable, (each not exceeding 1 L capacity). 2.2.
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2.2 Märkningsuppgifter. · Märkning enligt förordning (EG) nr 1272/ 14.1 UN-nummer. · ADR, IMDG, IATA. UN1950. · 14.2 Officiell transportbenämning. · ADR.

shipper from affixing DOT Hazard Class Container Labels and using UN/DOT UN1950, Aerosols, non-flammable, ​(each not exceeding 1 L capacity),​ 2.2.

Skadliga långtidseffekter för vattenlevande organismer. · 2.2 Märkningsuppgifter. · Märkning enligt förordning (EG) nr 1272/2008. Produkten är klassificerad och 

Proper Shipping Name.

· Handelsnamn: MOTIP® CAR CARE TYRE REPAIR 500 ML. · Artikelnummer: 000712. · 1.2 Relevanta identifierade användningar av  1.1 Produktbeteckning. · Handelsnamn: belton SpectRAL Lackspray. Aerosol NC. · Artikelnummer (product ID.): 0324.. REZ04. · 1.2 Relevanta identifierade  Fullständig ordalydelse av H-fraserna finns i avsnitt 2.2.